Monday, February 24, 2020

The Complete Mechanism of Biometric Scanning Device – Are CCTV Cameras Worthy of Investment?

The biometric scanning devices are made in such a way that they can detect any person according to their physical and behavioral attributes. A best biometric reader can read
  • Face
  • Fingerprints
  • Retina
  • Vein
  • Voice
  • Handwriting

All you have to do is to install the data inside the system and it will be there unless an authorized person decides to change it. For example, if you want to install a biometric scanner in your lab and install the above-mentioned data of any authorized person, only they will be able to enter the restricted zone.

Using your physical attributes, such as facial recognition or retina, the system will check if you are authorized or not. There was a time when only the big firms or government organizations only used Biometric scanners. But, over the past few years, with the advancement of technology and massive popularity and cost-friendly measures, almost every organization uses the device today.

How biometric system works?

Though there are different biometric systems are available with their uniqueness, all of them works according to these 3 steps one way or another.

1.     Enrollment process
2.     Storing data
3.     Comparing

Enrollment process

After installing the system, you will need to provide all the basic information of all the employees and other staff in your office, such as name or any identification number. The system will capture your image for facial recognition or will scan your fingerprint or retina or any other physical attributes.

Storing data

You must have seen in many action movies that the biometric system captures the complete image and store it. Well, it’s not entirely false, but not completely true too as the system analyzes your trait and converts it into specific code, rather than keeping the whole picture. While in some organizations you have to use a finger or retina scan, many organizations these days store the complete data on an HID card and give it to their employees.


For the first time, it will examine you and store your data as an authorized person. When you go through the scanner second time and so on, it will compare the initial data to provide you access.

The biometric system uses 3 common components,

  • A sensor to examine the person’s attributes.
  • A computer that stores all the data, where you can make changes as well
  • Software to study the characteristics or enable the scanner to read the cards.

Advantages of the biometric security system

By installing the biometric scanning device, you are making your office space a lot more secure, wondering how?

  • An identity card can easily be faked, but not your fingerprint, which is unique for everyone.
  • There is no way you can guess a fingerprint or retinal pattern.
  • As physical attributes, your fingerprint or facial recognition is irreplaceable, unlike an identity card.
  • With a fingerprint or facial recognition system, there is no tension between remembering the password or carrying the cards.

Are CCTV cameras worthy of investment?

If you think that CCTV cameras are only good for video recording, you are wrong. There are several different types of CCTV cameras are available; you can check the CCTV camera price at different stores or at online. An advanced CCTV camera can provide

  • motion detection
  • The infrared system enables clear video footage even at lower light
  • Two-way audio system
  • Automatic number plate recognition system
  • Facial recognition
  • Instant alert
  • Store video data
  • Wireless connectivity through internet

Friday, February 21, 2020

Why Should You Introduce Access Control System at Your Home or Office?

If you are looking forward to enhancing the security at your home or office, you may want to install an access control system. You can call it more of a digital lock and key system, where you get reliability than regular lock and keys. Any skilled criminal can break into your home or office premises if it’s only protected by normal lock and keys. But building access control systems work more like an anti-virus, which we use in our computer to stop unauthorized entries.

The access control system may seem a bit complex at first, but as you will start to use it every day, you will be acquainted with the system.
Apart from restricting unwanted entries or break-ins, this digital door locking system has several other advantages and here in this article, we are going to talk about all of them.

Advantages of installing an access control system

No more key problems

After an umbrella and pen, key may be one of the top ten things people lose all the time. If it happens at your office, you will be in a lot of trouble. Apart from that if an employee leaves the company without returning the keys, your business will be stuck until you find a blacksmith. This way, you may end up a whole day into wastage. Even if an employee loses their company key, the same problems will arise. So, it would be a much better and wiser idea to replace the whole system with a digital lock system. So, if someone quits the company, you just have to remove their access control from the system.

Keep track of your visitors

The access control system is not only useful for big corporate firms but the small shop owners as well. You can use install this system at clinics, pharmacies, jeweler workshop rooms, etc. With this system, you will know the exact time of entering and leaving of each individual. They will be given an HID card reader, which will allow only your authorized employees to enter your lot. As the employee will hold the card near the reader, it will note the time of the entry and the exit too.

No unwanted entries

If you own a large firm, it is difficult to know everyone by their face. So, without an access control system, anybody can sneak through the doors. But, the access control system will only open the door if the employee can show his/her valid HID card.

Provide different accessibility

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a card will allow your employees to get access to every room. You can change the clearance level according to their status. For example, you won’t provide the same clearance level to a regular employee, which you will give to your office manager. An office manager will need access to different rooms, such as a meeting room or account department or file room, but a regular employee can only access the areas according to their job role.

Cards are safer than keys

As locks can be broken easily, keys can also be duplicated. But, if you are using an HID card, they can only be replaced by the authority. Usually, the access control system will hit the alarm if some unauthorized person tries to break-in, which isn’t possible with normal lock and keys. Statistics shows that the companies are secured with access control system are likely to face less unauthorized entries or forced entries or even theft attempts.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Management of the Companies are Increasing the Security in Their Premise to Work Better in Market

The world is becoming better by the new advanced technologies that are making the life of people more comfortable. Now the customers are searching on the internet about the new technologies that are coming in the market and which companies have more efficient technologies. The hard work of the firms and organizations has made the products or services affordable and efficient which increased the number of customers in the market. There are many people who also have new ideas for the advanced technology which they are supplying in the market by starting their own companies. The number of competitors is increasing due to which the competition in the market is increasing which is also increasing the quality of the products. Firms and organizations are also increasing their efficiency by hiring security services from the market to increase their profits. Many firms are investing in best biometric access control, infrared CCTV, secured software, etc for their offices to become more profitable. Many readers might have confusion that how the security systems would enhance their efficiency in the market. 

How the lack of security systems make a loss to the company? 

As we have discussed that customers have so many options in the market to choose their services or goods from any company. Now there are many companies in the market that are working with better strategies and tactics so that they can make more advanced products or services in the market. Management has developed the modern world in a manner in which people are having so much better life by the usage of the new technology. firms are doing so much experiment in their offices so that they can manage their work process in a better way by applying new ways of work or process. After all, this if there is any kind of security loophole then there might be lost in the following forms
  • Steal ideas – when a firm becomes successful then it makes a lot of enemies in the market that want to steal their future plans. If there is any kind of loophole in the security the thieves would steal the future idea of the company that would make so high loss.
  • Harm employees – In the time of stealing it might happen that the intruder would face any of the office employees. Many cases have happened that to save their identity criminals harm the employees which can be a loss to the firm.

How one can improve their security?

 Many companies have understood that if they want to become one of the best companies in the industry then they need to work on their security so that they can make more profits. Management of the firms is planning to improve their security so that they can secure their employees as well as the data of the firm. There are following things which can make the improvement of office
  • Advanced technology – Now companies can invest in better technology like long-range card readers so that they can only permit the people in their office who have the card from that company.
  •  Hire security services – One can hire security services so that they can have the professionals and experts for their offices which would increase the efficiency of the security.

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